Linking to Us

One of the many ways to promote the usage of GIMP is to link to this web site from other sites. If you are a webmaster, you are encouraged to link to us. But you and your visitors will probably want to ensure that the links will not be broken a few days after you publish them, so here are a few simple guidelines that should help you to get the best out of your links.

Linking to our pages

If you want to add a link to the official GIMP web site, we recommend that you link to our home page: You can link to other pages such as the download page, the tutorials or the documentation, but be aware that the deeper you link, the higher the risks that the page could be moved or removed in the future. We will try to avoid breaking links, but it would be difficult to guarantee this for the whole site. So your best bet for a stable link is the home page, or some of the main pages featured in the navigation menu.

If you want to link to our home page, here are some buttons that you can use, followed by the corresponding HTML code:

Graphics by GIMP
<a href=""><img alt="Graphics by GIMP"
src="" border="0"
width="90" height="36" /></a>
GIMP - Free
<a href=""><img alt="GIMP - Free"
src="" border="0"
width="88" height="31" /></a>

The HTML code shown above links directly to the images provided by this site. This will work for a while, until we change the name or the location of these images. If you want to be sure that you will not have broken images in a few days or weeks, we recommend that you copy the button(s) to your own web site, as explained below.

Linking to or copying our images

Some images from this web site can be copied freely and used in other pages. This includes the buttons shown above and the images of Wilber shown below.

If you want to use them, we recommend that you copy these images to your own server instead of linking directly to the files available from this site. This will have several advantages:

  • Your images will not be broken if we rename or remove some files.
  • Your images will not be broken if this site has some temporary network problems.
  • Your pages will load slightly faster. Including images from different sites tends to increase the time needed to load a page, because your browser has to contact several servers (additional DNS requests and HTTP connections).

Feel free to copy the images shown on this page. You can copy them and use them on your pages, but please do not modify them without our permission. Most of the other images, such as the ones featured in the tutorials, are copyrighted by their respective authors and cannot be copied without permission.

Wilber, the GIMP mascot

The currently used version of Wilber, the GIMP mascot, has a vector image source (SVG) available by Jakub Steiner, available as Creative Commons by-sa 3.0:

Wilber, the GIMP mascot (current version

The original versions of Wilber are available too. It was created by Tuomas Kuosmanen (tigert) and some accessories were added by others: hard hat by Simon Budig, wizard hat by Raphaël Quinet, and many others that you can find in the Wilber Construction Kit (included in the source code in /docs/Wilber_Construction_Kit.xcf.gz). The following images of Wilber can be copied freely. You can click on them to load each image separately.

Wilber, the GIMP
mascotWilber, the GIMP
mascotWilber painterWilber workerWilber wizard

The images are in PNG format and support “real” transparency, unlike GIF images. So if your browser supports PNG correctly, the same images should look good over any background:

Wilber, the GIMP
mascotWilber, the GIMP
mascotWilber painterWilber workerWilber wizard

Unfortunately, some browsers do not support the PNG transparency correctly. For example, Internet Explorer supports only a very limited 1-bit transparency (similar to the GIF format). The following images are suitable for these browsers, but they only look good over a white background:

Wilber, the GIMP
mascotWilber painter

Wilber, the GIMP
mascotWilber painter