Articles in the News category

Google Summer of Code 2011 Projects Announced

We are pleased to announce that we have five projects accepted for Google Summer of Code 2011 program:

  • Adaptive cloning will provide means to paste an object from a different picture in a way that it will seamlessly blend into the new image, matching its brightness and color characteristics. This …

GIMP 2.7.2 Released

We are pleased to announce availability of a new development version that brings us closer to GIMP 2.8. This version is packed with important new features and improvements. For a complete list of changes since 2.7.1 please refer to NEWS page, while the release notes summarize changes …

Progress of GIMP development is now trackable

One of the most common questions we keep hearing is when the next version of GIMP is released. While it’s difficult to define exact dates, it is possible to estimate how far away a new stable release from now is based on amount of work that has to be …

We Are Participating in Google Summer of Code 2011

This year we are participating in the Google Summer of Code program again. If you are a student who is willing to improve GIMP and be financially rewarded ($5000), please have a look at the list of project ideas, pick one or come up with your own idea, then join …

GEGL 0.1.6 and babl 0.1.4

After a year of work new versions of GEGL, new non-destructive image processing core, and babl, a bitmap format conversion library, are out with several major changes.

The new version of GEGL features code created during Google Summer of Code 2010 by Danny Robson and Michael Muré. Danny Robson created …

Two Interns to Work on GIMP’s Usability

Since 2006 our project has been collaborating with Peter Sikking of m+mi works to improve GIMP’s usability. Peter is behind many positive changes in GIMP’s UI, such as new selection tools in v2.4 and v2.6, as well as some new features in upcoming v2.8 …

Plans for 2.8 and Beyond

In the face of all sorts of rumours and interpretations about the future of the project there is a call for clarification regarding development of GIMP.

Currently GIMP team is working on finalizing the new stable v2.8 with many improvements such as layer groups, improved brush dynamics, a new …

GIMP Manual 2.6.1 Released

We’ve released a new version of the user manual with:

  • many, many, many bugfixes
  • spelling fixes and new translations for: Italian, English, German, French, Japnese, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, Korean
  • website typo fixes

This release does not only include pre-built documentation for all the supported languages, we also publish the …

GIMP 2.6.11 Released

GIMP 2.6.11 is a bug-fix release in the stable GIMP 2.6 series. Among other bug-fixes, it makes printing work with the recently released version 1.10 of the Cairo library. Please have a look at the NEWS file for a detailed list of changes.

The source can …

Google Summer of Code 2010 Results

This year GIMP participated in the annual Google Summer of Code program with three projects. Two out of three projects have been successful: Cage transform tool in GIMP and HDR and matting functions in GEGL.

The new Cage transform tool allows doing shape-preserving deformations of objects. The tool is based …

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