#! /usr/bin/env python
# File = autoRWparasites.py
# Part of a set of scripts to Automate the Editing of images with Gimp
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
from gimpfu import *
import os
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from autoBase import *
xmlObj = BaseXmlReader()
def autoDisplayAssignedParasites(theImage):
"""Registered function autoDisplayAssignedParasites. Displays the
parasites assigned to the current image in a gimp message window.
flowPropNameList = ['Flow', 'CurrentStep', 'NextStep']
flagPropNameList = xmlObj.PropertyNames()
messageStr = "**Flow Control Parasites\n"
for parasiteName in flowPropNameList:
messageStr = messageStr + str(parasiteName) + ": " + \
str(theImage.parasite_find(parasiteName)) + "\n"
messageStr = messageStr + "\n**Status Flag Parasites\n"
for parasiteName in flagPropNameList:
messageStr = messageStr + str(parasiteName) + ": " + \
str(theImage.parasite_find(parasiteName)) + "\n"
register (
"autoDisplayAssignedParasites", # Name registered in Procedure Browser
"Display Parasites", # Widget title
"Display Image Parasites in Gimp Message", #
"Stephen Kiel", # Author
"Stephen Kiel", # Copyright Holder
"July 2013", # Date
"A1) Display Assigned Parasites (File)", # Menu Entry
"*", # Image Type - Valid image loaded
( PF_IMAGE, "theImage", "Input Image", None ),
autoDisplayAssignedParasites, # Matches function being defined
menu = "/Automation" # Menu Location
) # End register
def autoMarkAutoUpdate(theImage):
"""Registered function autoMarkAutoUpdate. Writes parasite value to
YES for for UpdateFlag. Used for process flow control. The
function takes on argument, the image object.
theImage.attach_new_parasite('UpdateFlag', 5, 'YES')
register (
"autoMarkAutoUpdate", # Name registered in Procedure Browser
"Mark AutoUpdate", # Widget title
"Mark AutoUpdate", #
"Stephen Kiel", # Author
"Stephen Kiel", # Copyright Holder
"July 2013", # Date
"A2) Mark for AutoUpdate (File)", # Menu Entry
"*", # Image Type - Valid image open
( PF_IMAGE, "theImage", "Input Image", None ),
autoMarkAutoUpdate, # Matches to name of function being defined
menu = "/Automation" # Menu Location
) # End register
def autoMarkXcfOverWriteYes(theImage):
"""Registered function autoMarkXcfOverWriteYes. Writes parasite value to
YES for for UpdateFlag. Used for process flow control. The
function takes on argument, the image object.
theImage.attach_new_parasite('OverwriteXcf', 5, 'YES')
register (
"autoMarkXcfOverWriteYes", # Name registered in Procedure Browser
"Mark XCF Overwrite", # Widget title
"Mark XCF Overwrite", #
"Stephen Kiel", # Author
"Stephen Kiel", # Copyright Holder
"July 2013", # Date
"A3) Mark Xcf Overwrite (File)", # Menu Entry
"*", # Image Type - Valid image open
( PF_IMAGE, "theImage", "Input Image", None ),
autoMarkXcfOverWriteYes, # Matches to name of function being defined
menu = "/Automation" # Menu Location
) # End register
def autoMarkJpgOverWriteYes(theImage):
"""Registered function autoMarkJpgOverWriteYes. Writes parasite value to
YES for for OverwriteJpg. Used for process flow control. The
function takes on argument, the image object.
theImage.attach_new_parasite('OverwriteJpg', 5, 'YES')
register (
"autoMarkJpgOverWriteYes", # Name registered in Procedure Browser
"Mark XCF Overwrite", # Widget title
"Mark XCF Overwrite", #
"Stephen Kiel", # Author
"Stephen Kiel", # Copyright Holder
"July 2013", # Date
"A4) Mark Jpg Overwrite (File)", # Menu Entry
"*", # Image Type - Valid image open
( PF_IMAGE, "theImage", "Input Image", None ),
autoMarkJpgOverWriteYes, # Matches to name of function being defined
menu = "/Automation" # Menu Location
) # End register
levelList = xmlObj.PropertyOption('EnhanceColorLevel')
def autoSetEnhanceColorLevel(theImage, colorlevelIndex):
"""Registered function autoSetEnhanceColorLevel. Writes parasite value to
assigned value for for EnhanceColorLevel. Used for process flow control.
The function takes two arguments, the image object and parasite value. A
separate function reads the xml tree to make a list of the available
options. That option list is presented in the PF_OPTION widget.
pValue = levelList[colorlevelIndex]
theImage.attach_new_parasite('EnhanceColorLevel', 5, pValue)
register (
"autoSetEnhanceColorLevel", # Name registered in Procedure Browser
"Set Enhance Color Level Parasite / Property", # Widget title
"Set Enhance Color Level Parasite / Property", #
"Stephen Kiel", # Author
"Stephen Kiel", # Copyright Holder
"July 2013", # Date
"A5) Set Color Enhance Level (File)", # Menu Entry
"*", # Image Type - Valid image open
( PF_IMAGE, "theImage", "Input Image", None ),
( PF_OPTION, "colorlevel", "Select Color Level", 0, levelList ),
autoSetEnhanceColorLevel, # Matches to name of function being defined
menu = "/Automation" # Menu Location
) # End register
levelList = xmlObj.PropertyOption('EnhanceContrastLevel')
def autoSetEnhanceContrastLevel(theImage, colorlevelIndex):
"""Registered function autoSetEnhanceContrastLevel. Writes parasite value to
assigned value for for EnhanceContrastLevel. Used for process flow control.
The function takes two arguments, the image object and parasite value. A
separate function reads the xml tree to make a list of the available
options. That option list is presented in the PF_OPTION widget.
pValue = levelList[colorlevelIndex]
theImage.attach_new_parasite('EnhanceContrastLevel', 5, pValue)
register (
"autoSetEnhanceContrastLevel", # Name registered in Procedure Browser
"Set Enhance Contrast Level Parasite / Property", # Widget title
"Set Enhance Contrast Level Parasite / Property", #
"Stephen Kiel", # Author
"Stephen Kiel", # Copyright Holder
"July 2013", # Date
"A6) Set Contrast Enhance Level (File)", # Menu Entry
"*", # Image Type - Valid image open
( PF_IMAGE, "theImage", "Input Image", None ),
( PF_OPTION, "colorlevel", "Select Contrast Level", 0, levelList ),
autoSetEnhanceContrastLevel, # Matches to name of function being defined
menu = "/Automation" # Menu Location
) # End register